StopGap, Inc. provides a Youth Empowerment Program (YEP) available to all kids in the foster care system in Douglas County. Throughout the eight-week program the curriculum covers practical life-skills and addresses challenges unique to children in the foster care system. Classes are led by our executive director Justine Burton as well as a variety of local guest speakers and community volunteers. The course format includes a combination of lectures, interactive workshops, modeling, role-playing activities, and opportunities to practice skills and receive feedback in these five key areas:

Employment Education
Application assistance
Skills assessments
Connections with potential employers
Goal setting
Resume assistance
Interview training
Career planning

Housing Education
Securing housing
Budgeting skills
Setting up utilities
Roommate agreements
Completing application
Rental requirements
Maintaining a healthy home
Services and assistance available

Financial Skills
Banking & basic financial skills
Budget planning and practice
Financial aid, scholarship, and grant opportunities
State funding access assistance
Education on planning for the future
Establishing and maintaining credit

Health & Nutrition Skills
Meal preparation & cooking
Grocery shopping & budgeting
Meal planning
Assistance with food assistance programs

Health & Life Skills Education
Sexual Education
Human trafficking education & awareness
Self defense
Mental health education & resources
Healthy relationships & boundaries